
In fall, 2024, I am teaching a course on Machine Learning in Biology.
I co-taught Biology 414, Principles of Ecology, in 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2023.
I led a senior seminar on climate change, Biology 599, in 2022.
I co-taught a new graduate-level principles of ecology course with Dr Sharon Billings, in Fall 2016.
I have led independent study courses in advanced ecology.
I co-taught Biology 499, Introduction to Honors Research, with Dr Brian Ackley, in Spring 2015.
I was the founder and subsequent Director of the Master’s Degree in Quantitative Biology at Imperial College London, and the Director of the Master’s Degree by Research in Biodiversity Informatics and Genomics. These degree streams have been maintained, renamed.